Increase the value of your home [Infographic]

Illustration of a person holding a paint roller

Finding the perfect home improvement project can be tricky. While a renovation should add comfort and convenience to a property, as a homeowner, you should also do your best to pick a project that adds value to your home.

But where should you start?

An infographic outlining how to properly invest in the value of a home

According to, homeowners should work their way from the inside out. The majority of potential buyers are most interested in the major systems of a home - electrical, plumbing, heating, and sewer - before they'll dive any deeper into learning about other areas of the home. If those systems are up to current standards, homeowners should then consider tackling a remodeling project in the kitchen or the bathroom.

New kitchen appliances are always a plus, but even something like replacing or refinishing the cabinets can make a very positive impression on prospective buyers. In the bathroom, homeowners should consider updating the fixtures or adding new flooring to make their homes more appealing.

Adding a bathroom to a home is also a great investment for boosting value. An additional half bath can improve a home's value by 10.5 percent, according to the National Association of Home Builders. Meanwhile, a full bath can add 20 percent at the time of resale.

Make sure your home is aesthetically pleasing
Nothing will turn off potential buyers more than bright, bold colors of paint soaking up every inch of wall space. It's important to repaint with neutral colors, as this allows buyers a better opportunity to envision themselves living in the space.

For the exterior, curb appeal and landscaping go hand in hand. Outdoor replacement projects have a 70 percent return on investment, while a good first impression can improve a home's value by five to ten percent.

Some of the first things a prospective buyer will notice include the front door, exterior siding and garage door. Remodeling Magazine reported replacing those three features on a home can generate a return on investment of nearly 72 percent.