New Homeowner Checklist

Are you a new homeowner feeling overwhelmed with all the responsibilities that come with owning a home? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with this helpful guide!

Woman using new homeowner checklist

It’s important to create a checklist of all the tasks you need to complete as you settle into your new home. Here's what you should start with.


Getting your utilities set up in your new home is important. If you’ve never done it before, it might seem confusing. But the first thing to do is figure out who provides your utilities. Keep in mind that the utilities in your new home might be different from your old one, depending on where you live.


Changing your address can be a hassle, but it’s important to do it properly to avoid missing important mail or bills. You can start by visiting the official USPS website. Click on “Change of Address” and it will direct you to a page where you can choose between a temporary or permanent change of address. You will also need to notify your bank, credit card companies, and other financial institutions of your address change.

Install new door locks

When you move into a new home, it’s important to change your door locks. You never know who might have the old keys, so it’s better to be safe. Put in new deadbolts to keep your home secure.

Get Homeowners Insurance

Homeowners insurance will keep your home and belongings safe if something bad happens like a fire, theft, or natural disasters.

When you buy homeowner’s insurance, it’s smart to look around and check out different policies from different companies. Find one that covers what you need and doesn’t cost too much. Pay attention to things like how much you’ll have to pay before insurance starts covering the costs, how much your insurance will cover, and other things you can add to the policy.

Test Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors help keep you safe in your home. You should test them to make sure they’re working right. If they’re not, get help to fix them as soon as possible. There are also “smart” detectors that work with your phone and smart home, which can make it easier to stay safe.

Get to Know Your Home Systems

It’s a good idea to get to know the systems in your home, like how the heating and cooling works, as well as the electricity, and the plumbing. By understanding these things, you can catch issues early on and save money on repairs.

Inspect Hidden Areas

The crawl space and attic are areas that some homeowners forget about. But if you ignore them, it could cause big problems later on. Look for signs of things like moisture, bugs, problems with the insulation, or damage to the structure.

Cleanout Your Gutters

Cleaning your gutters helps keep your home in good shape. You should make sure to remove leaves and debris from your gutters so water can flow properly and not cause damage.

Check for Leaks

Look for leaks in your new home, especially after it rains. See if there are any signs of water damage, like marks on the walls or a weird smell. Check the areas around your sinks and toilets for leaks too. If you find anything wrong, call a plumber to fix it before it becomes a bigger problem.

Now that you’ve checked everything off the list, take some time to enjoy your new home! Host a housewarming party and get to know your neighbors!

If you don’t own a home yet but are considering getting a mortgage soon, Jefferson Bank has many loan options you can check out. With a low down payment and a great interest rate, you could become a homeowner sooner than you think!

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