Central Bancompany is proud to report that for 2021, Forbes Magazine ranked us as the fourth Best Bank in America, and the best bank in the markets we serve!

March 30, 2021 (Jefferson City, Mo.) - Each year, Forbes Magazine publishes a list of the Best Banks in America. This list began in 2008 as a way to rank the safest and most stable banks in America during the financial crisis.

The first year it produced a list, Forbes Magazine included Central Bancompany Inc. on its top ten list. After the first year, Forbes Magazine expanded the list to include 100 banks, and showcase it as a ranking of the best banks in America.

Forbes’ list of the Best Banks in America ranks banks based on their growth, credit quality and profitability. These metrics further demonstrate our commitment to strength and stability, such as total assets, non-performing assets, and efficiency, among many others.