Secure Ways to Contribute to Charities During a Crisis

Stay one step ahead of scammers! Learn how to safely donate to charities during a crisis.

People holding hands in comfort

If you want to help during a recent crisis by giving to a charity, that’s wonderful! But it’s important to know that there are people who pretend to be charities just to take advantage of your kindness. Learn how to make sure your donation goes where it’s supposed to.

Social Media Platforms

If someone asks you to give on social media, do a little research. Look up the charity and use words like “complaint, “review,” “rating,” or “scam” in your search. You can also check with places like the Better Business Bureau’s Wise Giving Alliance, Charity Navigator, Charity Watch, or Candid. If a friend sent you the message, ask them if they know the organization.

Use Caution on Crowdfunding Websites

When you’re on crowdfunding websites, be cautious about giving to individuals. There are some people who pretend to care about a cause, but really they want to keep your money for themselves instead of helping. It’s safest to give to someone you know and trust. Take a look at the policies that the website has. Some crowdfunding sites make sure that requests for help after a crisis are real, but others don’t.

Safe Ways to Pay

Don’t give money to anyone who asks for cash, gift cards, wire transfers, or cryptocurrency. Scammers might try to get your money this way. If you decide to give, use a credit card for more safety.

Giving by Text Message

Before you send a text to donate, make sure you have the right number. Check with the charity directly to confirm the number. If it’s not their number, use a number you know is real, or go to the charity’s website to give your donation.

It’s important to take your time and think before giving to avoid tricky scammers. Give to charities you already know and trust, especially the ones that have a good history of helping during a crisis. It’s usually better to give money instead of donating items. If you want to send items like clothes or supplies, it’s a good idea to check with the charity. To find out more, visit

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