Tips for Small to Mid-sized Business to Combat Fraud

Paper with financial information and the word Fraud written on it

As a business owner, one of your top concerns that stays on the forefront of your mind is fraud: fraudsters that target your weak points, ransomware that debilitates your digital security, and check fraud - a classic scam that just seems to never go away. There are holes in your security that you alone can't fill, but fortunately you don't have to go it alone. Jefferson Bank is here to be your partner in the war against fraud.

Check out some of our tips and tools that will help your business combat fraud!

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • Become EMV-Compliant
  • Focus on ACH Protections
  • Don't Forget About Check Fraud
  • Train Employees to Spot the Signs
  • Be Smart About Cyber defenses
  • Work With a Banking Partner That has Solutions
  • Conclusion

Download Our Business Security eBook

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